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Summer Concussions


Dear reader

It's nearly summer time and you know what that means? Concussions! That's right over 25% of concussions are diagnosed during the summer. But did you know that according to the CDC over 50% of concussions are not even reported? This is because many adults miss the symptoms of a concussion. For example, 6 out of 10 people believe that a person must lose consciousness for a concussion.

Visual signs of a concussion are: loss of consciousness, lack of coordination, and a blank look. If in addition, the injured person is slow to get up and clutches their head that supports the diagnosis of concussion. However, 53% of diagnosed concussions have no visual signs. Although some signs appear immediately, some may evolve over time.

The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine’s most recent position on concussions breaks down the symptoms into six categories:

1. Headache-migraine

2. Cognitive

3. Anxiety/mood

4. Ocular (visual)

5. Fatigue

6. Vestibular (balance)

The signs and symptoms could have been there before the injury. Sometimes it’s beneficial to speak to physical trainers, friends, and family members who know the injured person to support their recovery better.

If concussion is an issue, here are some suggestions to support recovery.

Gentle cross-crawl exercise

That means when your right arm goes forward your left leg goes forward and when your left leg goes forward, your right arm goes forward. This type of exercise helps to re-integrate your brain and body after concussion. Walking is ideal. Avoid overexertion by hiking on hills.


Do your best to rest and relax during the day. Call it a healing interval. Stop for a moment. Take a deep breath and think happy thoughts.

Feed your brain

Take B complex vitamins and the EPA/DHA components of fish or algae oil.

Consult with a skilled healthcare provider.

Someone who offers cranial therapy and can balance the rest of your body after injury. Chiropractors, osteopaths, and massage therapists may offer these services.

If symptoms are severe, you may need to consult with a neurologist.

Here’s hoping you fully enjoy summer while staying safe.

Yours in Health!

Dr Linda


In the summer heat, the iron in France's Eiffel Tower expands, making the tower grow more than 6 inches.

Dr. Linda Berry Healing Arts Chiropractic Nutrition Trauma Healing

Please note: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical care. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice before you begin taking new supplements. You are responsible for all of the health choices you make.



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