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Feeling depressed or Know someone who is?


Tools and suggestions to cope with depression

We’re getting slammed with hard balls that don’t stop coming at us in all directions. That affects how you feel. What can you do about it? Read more, I offer solutions. You don’t need to do all of them. Maybe one recommendation will stand out as something to lift you up or that you can share with someone who’s mood is spiraling downward. Let’s work together to make things better in this challenging time. How can you feel better? To use a metaphor… tend your own garden. There are many ways to shift out of depression. I am not a mental health expert. But in my work to heal myself and my patients I learn and practice ways to transform the blues. Always consult with a mental health expert if you’re not able to shift away from depression.

B complex vitamin deficiency is implicated in depression as well as a deficiency in EPA/DHA from fish oil. These are my two favorite supplements from Fullscript . I use their 'Priority One -Vitamin B Complex' and their 'Nordic Naturals Pro omega 2000'. Find them by searching your Fullscript account or open new account here. When you use this link you receive a 10% discount and free shipping on orders of $50 or more. Another bio chemical reason for having the blues is SAD, the standard American diet. It defeats you in two ways with too much commercial animal fat and too much sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates. I’ve heard it called “Triple Death”: white sugar, white flour and white fat. I know it’s hard to avoid those comfort foods but moving away from those robbers of health will make a huge difference in your outlook. When you eat/drink white sugar, white flour and alcohol your blood sugar spikes. You get a momentary high but then it crashes and you feel awful. And white commercial animal fat clogs your arteries decreasing nourishment to your brain. Again over time that makes you feel awful. Lack of sunshine may be what’s getting you down. Here’s another SAD you can modify for better mental health. This one stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Have you heard of it? Sunshine makes us happy. In the latitude where I live we get much less sun in the winter either because of weather conditions or the angle of the sun. SAD Lights are the solution here. This is what I found using those search terms on Google for 'SAD Lights'. Exercise combats depression. It’s as effective as anti-depressant medication. I know it’s hard in winter when there’s less light and uninviting weather but like Nike says, “Just do it”. Write it into your schedule. Commit to being good to yourself and make it happen. Knowledge without action gets you nowhere. Here’s some wisdom I gained from visiting the Judy Chicago exhibit yesterday.

This is her Rainbow Sabbath stained glass installation. Listening to the audio recording about this piece I learned that there’s a Jewish mandate to choose hope. With this piece she offered a prayer, “Heal those broken souls who have no peace. Lead us from darkness into light.“

And finally I share this offering with you from a mental health expert.  Mindfulness for Depression with Dr. Zindel Segal Click here to listen Dr. Zindel Segal talks with us about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), an 8-week group therapy program designed to help those who suffer with chronic unhappiness.

May you find peace. And may you find the strength to follow the guidance of your inner Wise person. Dr. Linda

FUN FACT ''What's important is to give space to the range of human experience.''  Judy Chicago



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