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Are you getting Omega 3 ?


Dear reader

You may not know it, but you have approximately 37 trillion reasons to take omega-3s.

All of your 37 trillion cells rely on omega-3 fatty acids to function well and absorb other nutrients.

Omega-3s active therapeutic ingredients, EPA and DHA, are part of your 37 trillion cell membranes, helping them to absorb nutrients and get rid of waste. Without them, your cells will starve from lack of basic building blocks you need to flourish. And your cells won’t be able to get rid of their garbage. They will get overloaded with toxins leading to bad health and disease.

More than 80% of Americans don't get enough omega-3s from their diet. That’s one reason the US population’s health is worse than many Third World countries. We spend more money on health care and are sicker than those who live in most of the developed nations in the world. The U.S. has the highest chronic disease burden and an obesity rate than 10 other high-income countries.

The best sources of omega-3 come from wild fish, like salmon, cod, halibut and especially sardines. It’s said that if you eat three servings of wild fish per week you don’t need to take a supplement.

But if you have health concerns like problems with your nerves, mood, digestion, inflammation, and/or pain, you will benefit from taking a high-quality EPA/DHA supplement.

You can find a lot of fish oil supplements in the marketplace, but beware! Inexpensive fish oil supplements can damage your cells.

Trader Joe’s sells a product that says 1000 mg fish oil on the front label. But when you look at the supplement facts on the back, you’ll find that there are less than 200 mg, that is just 1/10th of the therapeutic dose of EPA and DHA, the active ingredients.

I used to recommend a fish oil product from a large supplement company until I found out that the final stage of processing passed the oil through hexane, a petrochemical. That’s not a good thing to put in your body.

Other fish oil suppliers get their ingredients from large fish that accumulate the toxic heavy metal mercury. Mercury is something else you don’t want to put in your body.

That’s why I take and recommend fish oil from Nordic Naturals. Their source is sardines from clean ocean water off the coast of Norway. With their sardine source, you get a lot of high-quality EPA and DHA without being passed through hexane or loading you up with mercury from large fish.

I’ve studied nutrition for close to 55 years. Many of my mentors say if they can’t get their patients to take anything else, they recommend EPA and DHA.

If you’re vegan or vegetarian, Nordic Naturals carries a formula sourced from algae. However, you will need to take more soft gels to meet the recommended dose.

The recommended daily dose for anyone with health issues is 2g or 2000 mg per day of EPA plus DHA.

The easiest way to get this dose is with Nordic Naturals Pro Omega 2000. Two gel caps per day provide that dose. This is the omega-3 supplement that I take. There is no fishy aftertaste.

If you want to do as I do, send me a note via text/phone to 415-847-3755 or email me at and my virtual assistant Nika and I will send you a recommendation from our supplier Fullscript. When you order through our Fullscript link, you will receive a 10% discount and free shipping on orders of $50 or more.

As always, here’s to your best health

Dr. Linda


Fossil records show that fishes have been around for over 500 million years, beginning with the Cambrian Explosion — way before the dinosaurs ever existed.

Dr. Linda Berry Healing Arts Chiropractic Nutrition Trauma Healing

Please note: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical care. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice before you begin taking new supplements. You are responsible for all of the health choices you make.

710 C Street suite 9, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA

Ph/Text: 415-847-3755

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